WINNIPEG, MB - On January 19, 2021, at approximately 11:15 a.m., Winnipeg Police General Patrol officers responded to the rear of a residence in the 500 block of McMeans Avenue East regarding a Check Wellbeing call. A 911 caller had observed a male possibly in medical distress inside a running vehicle.
Responding officers determined that the male was exhibiting signs of impairment, and was placed under arrest.
The driver, Christopher Logan, 29, was determined to be an off-duty officer with the Winnipeg Police Service. In accordance with the Police Services Act, the Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba was immediately notified and assumed a monitor role in the incident.
Logan was released on an Appearance Notice and the Winnipeg Police Service Professional Standards Unit continued with the investigation.
On January 22, 2021, he was charged with Operation of a Conveyance While Impaired.
Logan has been an employee of the Winnipeg Police Service for 5 ½ years.