Below is an email I sent to the good people at the Trees Please Coalition.
Thank you for engaging in a significant election for Winnipeg.
To be clear, I am committed to protecting Winnipeg’s tree canopy. Over the past four years as a City Councilor, I have worked hard to protect City green space and trees. Including successfully preventing the sale of the John Blumberg Golf Course, adding 1000 acres of park space, various tree protection efforts, bird-friendly development, composting, fuel/GHG reduction, electric vehicle incentives, and other environmental initiatives.
Below is a sample of hyperlinks to detailed descriptions of such efforts for ease of reading and sharing with your community, volunteer resident groups, and associated local organizations. You can also post this letter and my commitment on your website.
Additionally, I commit to the #SaveOurCanopy campaign to plant, maintain, and protect. I will continue to push for urgent implementation of tree protection by-laws (see red motion link below - currently not supported by Council).
Four motions I made to protect greenspace are located at the link below (most were successfully adopted in the OUR Winnipeg Planning document):
The text of the successful motion to add 1,000 acres of park space from the June 24 2021, Council meeting:
“That Item 1 of the Report of the Executive Policy Committee dated June 16, 2021, be amended by adding the following new recommendation 1.A. i.d. “1.A.i.d. A commitment to increasing the public reserve land within the City of Winnipeg by taking steps to add another 1,000 acres of public park space in addition to the already existing public reserve lands.” – Moved by Kevin Klein on June 24, 2021
Motion for tree protection by-laws:
Accountability for public trees cut on Roblin (eventually resulted in planned replanting):
A motion for bird-friendly design guidelines:
A motion to stop the sale of John Blumberg golf course and to retain as greenspace:
A motion for home-based composting:
A motion for restaurant based composting:
A motion for reduced City vehicle fuel usage:
A motion for reduced parking rates for electric vehicles:
A motion for reduced taxi/rideshare licensing fees for electric vehicles:
A motion for improved recycling and garbage/litter management at construction sites:
A motion for adding three garbage cans in a neighbourhood – rejected by Council if you can believe it!
I will continue introducing green motions such as park space, tree and nature protection by-laws, defending rivers from sewage overflows and pollution, composting, reduced littering and illegal dumping, a cleaner City, fuel/GHG reductions, and vehicular electrification.
As demonstrated by my track record, you can count me as a strong ally.
Thank you for all your efforts in championing tree and greenspace protection for our City.
I sincerely appreciate your contributions and the residents I represent as a City Councilor.
Kind Regards,
Kevin Klein
Candidate for Mayor of WInnipeg 2022