WINNIPEG, MB. - For the last three years, residents have been fighting to force the City of Winnipeg to address the dangerous conditions at Wilkes and Elmhurst's before there is a fatality.
Since being elected in October of 2018, Councillor Kevin Klein (Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood) has actively pursued a resolution for the dangerous intersection.
Early in 2019, Klein directed the Public Service to conduct an in-depth traffic study. The results confirmed what many residents have been saying for years. The Wilkes and Elmhurst intersection is one of the most dangerous in the city.
Since the completion of the traffic study in 2019, Klein has introduced motions at City Council that would see the installation of a controlled intersection as recommended by the traffic study.
Unfortunately, the City Councillors that make up the Mayor's Executive Policy Committee (EPC) have voted down each attempt by Klein to improve the intersection's safety.
Never one to give up, Councillor Klein has prepared a series of motions to move in the coming weeks and is asking the public to help by signing an online petition.
The hope is that the signatures will force members of the Mayor's EPC to support Klein and implement a controlled intersection at Wilkes and Elmhurst.
Please click here and sign the petition.