Friday, March 25, 2023 - I would like to encourage all Manitobans to join the Manitoba government and take part in Earth Hour tomorrow evening to help raise awareness about climate change.
In 2007, Earth Hour began as a symbolic lights-out event to advocate for actions to address climate change and energy-saving initiatives. Earth Hour is now one of the world’s largest grassroots movements, with millions of people worldwide participating in a show of solidarity by turning off their lights for an hour on the last Saturday in March as an important signal to the movement.
This year, Earth Hour in Manitoba will be observed on March 25 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Manitobans are encouraged to switch off lights in their homes or workplaces for one hour.
As a show of support, the Manitoba government will participate by turning off non-essential lights in government-owned buildings including the Legislative Building. All provincial employees will be asked to turn off computers, monitors and lights in workplaces at the end of the day and are invited to participate at home as well.
We all have a role to play in protecting the environment and building towards a greener future for younger generations. Small steps make a difference.
Participating in Earth Hour by turning off your lights for one hour is easy, free and sends a powerful message that when we all work together, we can accomplish great things.
To learn more, visit www.earthhour.org.