An essential commitment I made to you in 2018 was to communicate openly and often about items that will impact our community. As a result, I felt it was essential to inform you of an issue at the Eric Coy Arena that could affect the 2022-2023 Hockey and skating programs.
City of Winnipeg officials informed me that Eric Coy Arena is being closed for the season associated with a Chiller System failure. The failure will cancel the remaining spring programming services (e.g., Learn to Skate program). Patron fees refunded.
The Public Service is expediting the Chiller System inspection to ensure a timely return to programming services in the fall of 2022.
The investigation will determine if Chiller System repair is likely. If repair is confirmed, it is expected that fall operation will proceed. However, if Chiller replacement is warranted, there is a risk of not opening in time for fall operations with the prevailing supply chain disruption.
Through significant disruptions such as this, I have been working to have not-for-profit organizations take on maintaining our arenas.
This is an excellent example of how well the program work. Look at Varsity View Arena in our community and its success.
This is no fault of the staff responsible. I am grateful for their effort to inform me and address the issue quickly. However, budget cuts have negatively impacted the city's ability to perform regular maintenance over the last six years, which we know is key to longevity.
We cannot afford to continue the status quo at City Hall. The cuts to services result from bad budgeting and spending priorities in Winnipeg.
I will do my best to keep you informed of this concern throughout the summer.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email me.