Photo Credit - CBC Story
By: Winnipeg City Councillor Kevin Klein, serving Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood
Since taking office in November 2018, I have strived to hold people of power accountable. I continue to ask tough questions even though many have are not answered. I continue to put forward alternative solutions to the issues facing our community.
During the first two years, this City Council has proven it is not open to a new way of thinking. Why do I say this?
Before the summer break, we moved several motions to establish accountability at City Hall and reduce the power of Team Bowman. To be clear, Team Bowman consists of his Executive Policy Committee (Councillors Gillingham, Browaty, Allard, Gilroy, Rollins, and Mayes). Other team members outside of EPC are Deputy Mayor Councillor Orlikow, Acting Deputy Mayor Councillor Santos, and a new addition to the meetings is Police Board Chair Councillor Chambers.
Here are a few examples of motions defeated by Team Bowman.

Team Bowman members defeated each one of the above motions.
I believe in evidence-based decision making. That is why we have created a page where you can see every we have moved to start change at City Hall and judge for yourself if Team Bowman is opposed to giving up control and power. You can visit the page by clicking here.
We will provide the reasoning for each motion via our blog, and you will be able to follow each motion we move through the process online.
The NEW Motion Page is similar to the recently announced "Request for Information" page that provides you exact details of each request I make on behalf of the residents of Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood, including critical 311 requests.
Please visit the Motion and Request for the Information page often to keep informed.