WINNIPEG, MB. - As we continue to navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID pandemic, many people have exhibited their creativity and created activities or projects to help support our community through these unprecedented times.
At the end of 2020, Manitoba's Provincial Government provided a multi-million dollar grant to the City of Winnipeg for community and recreational services. A portion of that grant, $40,000, was provided to each ward councillor.
The objective was to provide funds to various organizations to focus on community wellbeing. The grant is titled the "Wellness Grant". The money must be awarded to groups before the end of February 2021.
Councillor Kevin Klein said, "It's vital to evaluate every application received for the Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood Wellness grant on the impact it will have on our community."
Klein said he is proud to have provided grants to the following;
The Charleswood 55 Plus Active living group has developed special online activities for our entire ward. READ MORE
A group of dedicated residents who designed and are maintaining a winter wonderland on ice.
Roblin Park Community Centre is providing outdoor activities as an extension to their Winter Carnival Days.
We were working with Winnipeg Trails to groom three locations for cross-country skiing in our community.
Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School for their outdoor curling ice and other activities for the neighbourhood to enjoy.
Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba received funding to assist with additional programming required to meet community members' needs.
More grants will be awarded this week, including one for the dogs. Yes, the dogs, stay tuned for that one.
Councillor Klein invited those with questions, comments, or that would like information regarding the Wellness Grants to email kevin@kevnklein.ca or call 204-986-5232.