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Is Winnipeg Desperate To Sell The John Blumberg Golf Course?

Tuesday, I moved a motion at Committee to oppose the City of Winnipeg's proposed sale of the John Blumberg Golf Course. I'm pleased that the motion passed three to one, with support from Councillor Gilroy and Lukes.

I felt it important to pull the curtain back with regards to my decision and share new information made public by the RM of Headingly.

I share my reasons for opposing the deal proposed in the video below.

Why the desperation for a sale? It is because of a series of bad budget decisions, are we now in a position where we are forced to accept a bad deal out desperation for money? One could also argue that if the City is that desperate, why not sell it for more?

Social Media indicates this council is quick to stand on the environmental platform. However, is it not hypocritical to sell a significant green space for a one-time payoff of $13 million given the calls for action to fight climate change?

To view all the offers for this green space, I would be required to sign an NDA to ensure I don't share that information with residents. For the people, I work for and represent. I didn't put my name on a ballot to keep secrets from residents. We've had enough of that.

The backroom politics at City Hall need to be changed. The old ways are not acceptable to residents, nor is there any evidence it benefits our community. I have attempted to change the antiquated system with no support from the inner circle or the old guard.

This council constantly talks about collaboration. Because of those claims, I asked if the public service consulted with the RM of Headingley. The answer was NO.

I spoke with the Mayor of Headingly, John Mauseth, personally. Unfortunately, he had the door shut on him when he offered the idea of working together. However, the Mayor of Headingly has made public example drawings of what the RM would do to improve this valuable green space.

These are some of the examples below:

Imagine what could be done if the City and RM worked together to benefit the Capital Region. That's what we are missing, leaders who can see a bigger picture and will get to work making it happen.

The City Council of Winnipeg will decide on the proposed sale of the John Blumberg Golf Course on January 27th. Email your Councillor and the Mayor to let them know how you want them to vote.


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