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How convenient, the Manitoba NDP use Trump as their excuse to run a $2 billion dollar deficit.

President Donald Trump and Wab Kinew

Take a moment. Strip away the political spin, the photo ops, and the polished speeches. What’s left? The same old NDP we’ve seen before—spending like there’s no tomorrow.

Premier Wab Kinew’s latest budget lays it out for us in black and white. Manitoba is facing a deficit that could land anywhere between $796 million and $1.9 billion. That’s not small change. But those numbers don’t even scratch the surface of our real financial problem. Add in the $4 billion in federal transfer payments we’re receiving this year, and Manitoba is actually outspending its real income by more than $5 billion.

Let that sink in.

This isn’t a family going over their grocery budget by a few dollars. It’s a government writing cheques we can’t cash. And they’re not slowing down. If you ever wondered what a $5 billion overspend looks like, you’re living in it.

What’s their plan to fix this? Spend more.

The Kinew government is using the ongoing tariff war between the U.S. and Canada as an excuse to do exactly what NDP governments have always done—open up a new credit card and max it out. The budget even says they’re ready to spend up to half a billion dollars to support businesses and workers hit by tariffs. But let’s be honest: this isn’t about saving jobs or supporting families. It’s about expanding government control and inflating the public service. And it’s all under the guise of “stimulating” the economy.

You can almost hear the Liberals and NDP cheering for more tariffs on the U.S. They want the fight with Donald Trump because it gives them cover to spend. It’s the perfect political distraction. And while they’re fighting ideological battles with Washington, it’s Manitoba taxpayers who are getting hit with the bill.

According to the budget, the tariff war could lower Manitoban incomes by an average of $1,420 per person. That’s a direct hit to your wallet. Not theoretical. Not in the future. This year. Now add to that the over spending of Mayor Scott Gillingham in Winnipeg that hashit us with record increases this year on everything without even trying to cut spending and you are taking an even bigger hit.

Meanwhile, the NDP government claims it’s investing in projects like the North End Water Treatment Plant, promising good local jobs. Except, there’s a catch. The project is being led by AECOM, a U.S. conglomerate. So, while the NDP bangs the drum of “Buy Canadian” and slaps tariffs on American goods, they’re handing millions of taxpayer dollars to a foreign multinational. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Even worse, the federal Liberal government’s retaliatory tariffs include construction materials like rebar and steel. That means any project requiring these materials—like the North End plant—is about to get a lot more expensive. Did the province budget for that? Doubtful. We’ll find out when the cost overruns start piling up. Spoiler: they always do.

And what about small businesses? Kinew promised relief on education property taxes. Yet this year’s budget is silent on that. Worse, the 50 per cent rebate on commercial property taxes is gone. Phased out. So, while the NDP claims to support Manitoba’s small businesses, they’re quietly making it more expensive to keep the doors open.

They’re also pledging to hire hundreds of new healthcare workers, especially in rural and northern areas. But they can’t even hire enough staff to fix the system we have now. Manitoba still has some of the longest wait times for emergency rooms in the country, and clinics are closing because there aren’t enough doctors and nurses. Instead of focusing on fixing what’s broken, they’re promising more hires they can’t deliver. It’s more posturing without a real plan.

It’s becoming clearer by the day. The Kinew government has no interest in controlling spending or finding efficiencies. There’s been no serious attempt to cut government waste. It’s the same story we’ve seen at Winnipeg City Hall under Mayor Scott Gillingham. They’ve both mastered the art of announcing “historic investments” while ignoring the obvious: someone has to pay for all this.

That someone is you.

There’s a bill coming. And when it arrives, it won’t be shared equally. Families and businesses—the ones who actually generate wealth and pay taxes—will carry the load. Some will pay more. Others may decide they’re done and pack up for Alberta or Saskatchewan, where business costs are lower, and governments understand that you can’t spend what you don’t have.

Manitoba can’t afford this.

We are staring down a recession that could be the worst since 2009. And yet, the government’s response is to crank up spending and hope the debt doesn’t catch up to them on their watch. That’s not leadership. It’s fiscal negligence.

The NDP and Liberals want to paint this as an investment in the future. They say they’re building for tomorrow. But building a future on debt is like building a house on sand.

Eventually, it collapses.

I’m not opposed to smart investment. I’m not suggesting we shut off the taps entirely. But leadership means making tough choices, cutting waste, and spending responsibly. None of that is happening today in Manitoba.

And if you think this is just about Wab Kinew’s NDP, think again. This is a pattern across all levels of government and their crown corporations, too. They all believe there’s no limit to what they can spend. There’s no consequence to growing debt. There’s no need to tighten belts or prioritize.

But there is a consequence. It’s higher taxes. It’s fewer jobs. It’s slower growth. And it’s the creeping reality that Manitoba isn’t competitive anymore.

At some point, the adults in the room need to take charge. We need governments—municipal, provincial, and federal—that understand the basics of economics and the value of a dollar earned. We need leaders who can make decisions without first checking the political winds.

Until then, hold on. There’s a reckoning coming.

And the bill is going to be massive.


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