Councillor Kevin Klein is honoured to announce that after years of working with Homes for Heroes, the work to have the program in Winnipeg is on the horizon.
Klein submitted a last-minute motion to sell one acre of land for use by the Homes for Heroes program, which Councillor Santos and Councillor Gilroy supported. Councillor Lukes voted no.
“I am so proud of what we accomplished. This is the collaboration needed to get things done at city hall. I am grateful to my colleagues who supported this motion,” said Klein. “There is one more hurdle to overcome. City Council still needs to pass the motion. I hope my colleagues see the vision and the many mutual benefits of the motion and pass it unanimously at the November 25th meeting so the work to help our over 200 homeless veterans can begin.
Homes for Heroes founder Dave Howard said, "I want to thank counsellor Klein for all his hard work over the last three years. The proposed offer should enable us to build a Homes for Heroes village in Winnipeg if the city is able to meet the deadlines we have committed to. There are hundreds of veterans living on the streets in Winnipeg, and our goal is to end this problem. We are appreciative of the committee's dedication and support in coming to this decision. There are certainly some hurdles to overcome, but we are confident that we can work together to get the village built. It takes a village to build a village.”
Councillor Klein is encouraging residents to call their councillor and ask them to support this motion at the City Council meeting November 25th, Klein said, “residents have the power to ensure this motion and the Homes for Heroes Village is built."
Winnipeg Sun says, "On the cusp of Remembrance Day, Winnipeg City Councillor Kevin Klein has pulled-off a significant victory for homeless veterans in Winnipeg." Click here for complete story.
A copy of the motion that passed is below:
Be it resolved;
That the one acre south half of the City-owned property located on the north side of Transcona Boulevard, identified as “Subject City Property” on Misc. Plan 14268/19 attached hereto as Schedule A, be declared surplus to the needs of the City.
That sections 3.1.A and 3.2.A.ii of the Declaration as Surplus and Sale of Property Council Policy be waived for the direct sale of the one acre south half of the “Subject City Property” as identified on Misc. Plan 14268/19 to Homes For Heroes, for $400,000.00.
That Recommendation 2.A.iii of Item 4 of the Report of the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated January 14, 2014, as approved by Council on February 26, 2014, be rescinded.
That the purchaser execute the Offer to Purchase agreement for the south half of the Subject City Property and enter into a Zoning Agreement with the City prior to June 30, 2022.
That the purchaser be responsible for the cost of site remediation on the one acre south half of the Subject City Property.
That the purchaser be responsible for servicing and subdivision costs, and securing easements if required, for the south half of the Subject City Property.
That the south half of the Subject City Property revert to the City once the development has reached the end of the project’s life or the purchaser has failed to develop the south half of the Subject City Property prior to January 2023.
That the Proper Officers of the City be authorized to do all things necessary to implement the intent of the foregoing.