Dear Centre Members,
The Charleswood 55+ Active Living Centre has been fortunate to receive a City of Winnipeg Wellness Grant through Councillor Kevin Klein. The purpose of the grant is to support community activities and initiatives that reduce the emotional, physical and spiritual stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and allow residents to connect with one another in a safe way. So, to help with the pandemic winter blues, we invite you to participate in the following:
Event 1: Getting to Know Winnipeg During a Pandemic Presenter: Dr. Gordon Goldsborough Manitoba Historical Society During the Pandemic, Dr. Goldsborough has been taking daily walks in communities around Winnipeg, each day somewhere different, and in the process learning quite a lot about the city. Participants will be taken on a historical and architectural photo journey through Winnipeg. The presentation will be followed by a Q & A.
Date: February 25, 1 p.m. on ZOOM
Register by email info@charleswoodseniorcentre.org and indicate “Getting to Know Winnipeg During a Pandemic” in the subject line. You will receive the ZOOM link via return email prior to the event.
Those who are participating in Event 2, The Ultimate Walking Challenge, can use what they learned in Dr. Goldsborough’s presentation to help guide their own walking adventure.
Event 2: The Ultimate Walking Challenge Facilitator: Noreen Kolesar
This is the perfect activity for those who want to experience the benefits that walking has on the brain, discover how walking regularly is a means to reduce stress and boost clearer thinking, feel the rejuvenating benefits of walking, and just have fun while safely enjoying the comradery of others through the group challenge.
Date: March 1, 10 a.m. (ZOOM kick off). to March 31
To learn more about the Ultimate Walking Challenge & for registration information, click here or go to our website at https://www.charleswoodseniorcentre.org and click on The Ultimate Walking Challenge.
These activities are open everyone in the Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood community. The Walking Challenge is geared towards those in the 55+ community but all are welcome to join. Please share with your friends, family and neighbours.
Jakee Werbuk
Centre Manager
Charleswood 55+ Active Living Centre
Ph. 204-897-5263