WINNIPEG, MB – On Monday, March 15, the City of Winnipeg is changing holds pick-up service at its libraries and reopening select arenas.
Library customers will be able to enter Winnipeg Public Library branches to pick up their holds, return their borrowed items, and register for, and update their memberships. All individuals entering a library are asked to complete a self-assessment symptom checklist. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to not enter the library. Library customers must wear a face mask, sanitize their hands, and maintain physical distance from others at all times.
All branches will offer the change of service with the exception of the Cornish Library which is undergoing renovations, and the River Heights Library (1520 Corydon Ave.) which will permanently close on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 5 p.m. to accommodate the move to the new Bill and Helen Norrie Library.
Holds placed at the River Heights Library that are not picked up by the end of the day on March 13 will be moved to the Charleswood Library (6-4190 Roblin Blvd). The book return at the River Heights Library will not be available once the branch closes; rather, borrowed items can be returned at any other open branch.
The Bill and Helen Norrie Library (15 Poseidon Bay) is anticipated to open on Monday, March 29, 2021.
For more information about library services, locations, and hours, see: winnipeg.ca/library.
On Monday, March 15 the City is re-opening four arenas at 25% capacity for casual ice use:
Eric Coy Arena
Century Arena
Terry Sawchuk Arena
River East Arena
Visitors will be required to follow provincial public health orders and provide contact information upon entry in the event contract tracing is required by Public Health.
For more information, see: winnipeg.ca/arenas.
For more information on the City’s response to COVID-19, see: winnipeg.ca/COVID-19.