Mark Carney wants you to believe he’s the leader Canada needs right now. He often is heard saying, “It’s Time to Build.” But build what, Mr. Carney? That’s the question Canadians need to be asking. Because if you dig beneath the surface of his polished speeches and scripted photo ops, it’s clear what Carney really plans to build: a future where your freedoms shrink, your costs go up, and unelected elites call the shots.
Carney’s been on the campaign for a while. He’s smiling more, avoiding hard questions, and doing everything he can to sound like a moderate. He’s selling himself as a pragmatic leader with a plan to “move Canada forward.” But pay attention to what he isn’t saying. He’s not talking about his years pushing a globalist agenda at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. He’s not talking about his book Value(s), where he argued capitalism is broken and advocates for regulatory and financial frameworks that align with climate goals. He supports strong climate action, referring to climate change as an “emergency. ”He’s certainly not talking about the fact that under his leadership, Canada will hand more control over our economy and industries to international institutions and NGOs with zero accountability to Canadians.
And let’s talk about the carbon tax. Carney hasn’t cut it. It’s on hold—period. No matter what any media outlet or political pundit tells you, the carbon tax is coming back. It may get a new name, it may be rebranded as something softer and more “fair,” but make no mistake: you will pay. Higher fuel costs, more expensive groceries, and rising costs on everything from heating your home to running your business. That’s baked into Carney’s plan. He’s just not telling you about it while he’s fishing for votes.
What’s also missing from Carney’s talking points is any serious plan to strengthen Canada’s economy where it counts. Has he said he’ll fast-track mining for the critical minerals the world is demanding? No. Has he committed to building a pipeline to get Canadian energy to market? Not a word. Has he greenlit new manufacturing plants to create jobs and bring home the supply chains we lost over the past decade? Silence.
Instead, we get platitudes. “It’s Time to Build.” Sure. But build what? More layers of bureaucracy? More red tape? More advisory panels stacked with global NGOs who don’t answer to you or any Canadian voter? That’s where this is heading.
Canadians need to understand this election isn’t just about left or right. It’s not about political parties. It’s about a turning point in our history. Do we stay a sovereign nation where decisions are made by elected leaders accountable to the people? Or do we hand over the keys to our economy, our industries, and our way of life to global institutions and unelected elites?
Carney likes to say Canada needs to “lead the way” in fighting climate change. His history would suggest he means that we need to lead by shutting down our energy sector while countries like China and Russia expand theirs. He talks about “stakeholder capitalism,” which sounds inclusive until you realize it means handing power to groups who never have to win an election but have a veto over how Canadian businesses operate.
And while he talks about fairness and equity, his policies will drive up costs for working families, punish small businesses, and hollow out industries that built this country. He says he’ll “partner” with the private sector. In reality, that means compliance through financial blackmail—if you don’t play by his rules, you won’t get capital. As he’s said himself, non-compliant companies will become “climate roadkill.”
Don’t take my word for it. Look at his track record. As the UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, Carney pushed sustainable finance models that cut investment in Canada’s oil and gas sector by half between 2014 and 2020. Look at where capital is going now: elsewhere. Countries like Australia and the United States are developing their resources, building infrastructure, and securing energy independence. Canada? We’re still debating whether we’re allowed to build anything at all.
Mark Carney isn’t coming to Ottawa to make life easier for Canadians. He’s coming to finish what he started at the UN and WEF—turning Canada into a model for global governance where national sovereignty is an afterthought.
This is the choice before us. Carney says he believes in Canada’s sovereignty. But actions speak louder than words. And his entire career has been about centralizing power in the hands of people you didn’t elect and can’t hold accountable.
This election matters. It’s not business as usual. If we make the wrong choice, there’s no easy way back. We need to stand up now and reject a vision of Canada where we lose control over our economy, our resources, and our future.
It’s time to build, alright. But we should be building a stronger Canada, not Carney’s globalist experiment.