Winnipeg, Man. (September 16, 2022) - The letter below is my preliminary commitment to Active Transportation and Electric Vehicles for the 2022 City of Winnipeg Mayoral Election.

Active Transportation
Double annual funding to Active Transportation Department - which has been cut 70% from 2018 funding levels ($5.7 million to less than $1.9 million in 2023 budget), by the current Council - budgets which I did not support.
Initiate continuous improvement processes to improve active transportation network safety and reduce pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities.
Fund and implement a Road Safety Strategic Action Plan.
Revise the Winnipeg Zoning Bylaw to incentivize high quality secure bicycle parking, including reduction of the automotive parking ratios (make tradeoff options available to developers).
Establish formal policy and actions to deter bicycle theft within the City.
Revise by-laws to require bicycle parking to be enclosed and monitored by camera or security personnel at large facilities such as hospitals, colleges/universities, shopping centers, large sporting/fitness/entertainment venues, and hotels/motels.
Require meetings of the Active Transportation Committee to be clerked and transparent to the public similar to all other Committees.
Update the Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies in conjunction with the next update of the Transportation Master Plan to ensure that future roads investments requiring AT will be reviewed and analyzed prior to making road investments.
Major bicycle network upgrades targeted to be funded and started within 8 years:
Pembina Highway
University Crescent
Sherbrook St.
Stradbook Av
River Av.
Marion St.
Fermor Av.
Arlington St.
Templeton Av.
Major sidewalk network upgrades targeted to be funded and started within 8 years:
St. Mary’s Rd.
Kenaston Blvd.
Logan Ave.
Jarvis Ave.
Electric Vehicles
Implement electrical vehicles incentives, previously voted down by council (modifications to original motions may be required, with similar intent).
Motion for reduced parking rates for electric vehicles:
Motion for reduced taxi/rideshare licensing fees for electric vehicles:
Incentivize electric vehicle ownership to encourage technology uptake.
Reduce city vehicular fuel consumption and gas usage within facilities, in accordance with my previous Council motion:
Modernize development bylaws to account for the transition to electric vehicles, including the implementation of charging stations and planning for increased power infrastructure.
Require all new transit bus purchases to be electric or hybrid type, rather than diesel (such as the 43 new diesel buses the City is currently seeking approval for at a cost of $40 million plus tax - which I do not support).
I'm also committed to cross-country ski trails, as well as public river access for the paddling community.
Kevin Klein
Candidate for Mayor of Winnipeg 2022
Winnipeg City Councillor serving – Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood